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Dangers For Seniors In The Bathroom

The bathroom is the most dangerous room in the house for everyone, not just for seniors. You probably don’t think about the dangers much, but many seniors are seriously injured in this, the smallest room in the house. Almost 1 in 3 Canadian seniors fall at least once a year. And over 1 in 3 of all seniors admitted to long-term care have recently been hospitalized for a fall.

Reducing the dangers for seniors in the bathroom is critical for remaining independent and aging in place.

These are common dangers that contribute to seniors falling in the bathroom.

Medications May Cause Dizziness

Many medications commonly prescribed for seniors have a side effect of dizziness or lightheadedness. When you feel dizzy or lightheaded, you are more likely to fall, no matter where you are in the house. The effects of these medications are compounded by the inherent risks in the bathroom.

Impaired Vision

With impaired vision, the risk of falling increases. Trips and falls become more likely, especially when there are rugs or other items to navigate. Brighter lights help many people to see better, and lights from more than one direction can reduce shadows, making it easier to see hazards.

Be careful with bathmats on the floors. Many are designed to reduce slipperiness, but the edges can be a tripping hazard. Consider oversized mats and place the edges out of the normal walking paths in the bathroom.

Slippery Surfaces

Tiled bathroom floors have the potential to be very slippery when wet. Soap makes tiled surfaces even slipperier. Large, non-slip bath mats can reduce the tiled floor area, making less of the floor likely to be slippery.

The edges or bottom of a tub can also be quite slippery. With a tub to shower conversion, the edges are only 3 inches (8 cm) high, making them easier to step over. Plus, the edge itself after a tub cut out has a permanent non-slip surface, not a sticker that will peel off over time. That way, you can step on the edge to step into the shower, taking shorter steps on a non-slip surface.

It’s easy to take bathroom safety for seniors for granted. A tub to shower conversion using a tub cut out kit makes the bathroom a safer place to age in place.