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Preventative Health Care for Seniors

There are many easy steps any senior can do today to make their lives longer, fuller, and better.  Some bad habits that may have been carried over from our younger years can do serious harm once we’re older.  Also, since the body is now functioning differently with age, many new problems that never existed before will start to arise.

There are many things that seniors can do today to make their lives better.


No one should smoke and everyone knows it these days.  Seniors that are still smoking have been barraged for years now with the negative health effects that cigarette smoking can have on them and those they love.  Some of the medical consequences include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart disease, and cancer. 

There are many things that seniors can do to quit smoking, such as nicotine patches or gum, group help sessions, and support from family.


Just like we now know that smoking will harm our health and eventually kill us, we know today that exercise is a critical ingredient in aging right.  Studies at the Mayo clinic have concluded that exercise is the largest factor in how long seniors can remain independent and mobile. 

Thirty minutes of aerobic or anaerobic exercise just three times a week can cause vast improvements in how seniors feel and how their bodies respond.  With the right exercise regimen, aches and pains previously associated with muscles and joints can be greatly reduced if not eliminated altogether.  Furthermore, a regular exercise routine will reduce weight and cut down on the risk of developing diabetes while also increasing blood circulation and overall well-being.


Besides eating a well-balanced and healthy diet, many seniors today may want to consider taking additional supplements.  It’s often hard enough to get all of the vitamins and minerals we need from the foods we eat, and if you’re already inactive, chances are you’re losing out on others as well.

Other Concerns

There are many other areas that seniors can check-up on early to reduce problems in the future.

  • Vision: Serious problems can develop in seniors, such as Glaucoma and Cataracts.  Regular visits to your optometrist can spot these conditions early if they arise.
  • Hearing: It’s no secret that many seniors have difficulty hearing.  Getting hearing tests done to determine where you’re at and if you require a hearing aid are things to consider.
  • Mental Health: Seniors that are isolated can often become sad or even depressed, and many in this age group take their own lives.  Keeping up with friends and family, as well as joining in on group activities, are great ways to keep a positive attitude.
  • Discussion: Talk to your family about how you want to be treated as you get older.  Chances are you’ll lose a lot more of your freedom as you age, and you want to do it on your own terms.  Setting clear and concise guidelines in case of emergencies will do a lot to avoid confusion later.